Notes on Clear – Atomic Habits

I just finished reading Atomic Habits. This book is the most insightful and actionable book I’ve read about developing and maintaining positive habits. I had read the book twice before and I felt that not much stuck with me; the book makes so much sense that it’s easy to concur with everything it says, and then promptly forget it. For this reason, this time I read it taking detailed notes from it.

If you are interested in improving your habits, I recommend you read this book in detail, also making notes on how to apply its ideas to your life.

Here are my notes:

  1. Room is divided into activity zones.
  2. It’s easy to focus on one activity at a time.
  3. Items are stored at their point of use.
  4. It’s fun to put things away – everything has a home.
  5. Visual menu of everything that’s important.”