I studied Business and Political Science at college, but always felt drawn towards technology and programming. Fast forward a few years, I find myself beyond the event horizon – I am doing backend work for tech companies and devoting a great deal of my time to open source projects.
Tools I love: javascript/nodejs, vim, redis, unix (I got used to the last one).
People I admire and listen to: Derek Sivers, Leo Babauta, Steve Pavlina, Paul Graham, Steve Yegge, Jaime Zawinski, Salvatore Sanfilippo, Ryan Dahl, Douglas Crockford, Marijn Haverbeke, Slava Akhmechet, Richard Koch, Tim Ferriss, Rolf Potts, Nassim Taleb, Arthur de Vany, Edwin T. Jaynes, Muhammad Yunus, Amory Lovins, James Hague, Maciej Cegłowski, Khatzumoto.